Counselor for Teens in East Ann Arbor
Meet Cierra Strawder, LLMSW!
Clients: Teens, Women, Parents of Infants
Specialties: Trauma & Resiliency, Perinatal Mental Health/Transitions to Parenthood, Identity Development & Exploration
We go through a lot of changes during our adolescent and teen years. It can be hard to navigate your emotions during this time. Other stressors like trauma, missing out on school experiences and connecting with friends because of COVID-19, bullying, anxiety, and depression can make this even more difficult. She works with youth, guided by their needs and goals, to acknowledge.
Their individual strengths and areas for growth. She centers identities, creating a space for supportive exploration, and honoring the experiences of those with marginalized identities.
She seeks to validate both the beauty and the hardship that accompany parenthood. Each parents’ journey is unique. This journey may include conception, pregnancy, loss, birth, and so many more experiences. To support you through the joy, fear, stress, and other emotions. We will work together to support your health and wellbeing, build resilience, and promote parent/child bonding.
Click here to schedule an appointment with Cierra!