Is Wellness Life Coaching Right for You?

Ann Arbor Counseling Associates
2 min readNov 17, 2021

Does your life feel out of balance in terms of your overall well-being?

A Wellness Coach will support you and guide you to create your definition of well-being and what that means to you. Wellness coaches partner with their clients to find lasting, self-directed, values-based changes that promote health and wellness. Thereby enhancing well-being. Wellness Coaching can include discussions about anything that impacts your health, fitness, and general well-being. This can include fitness, nutrition, interpersonal relationships, work-life balance, stress management, and finding meaning in your life and/or work.

Do you want to be healthier, but don’t know where to start?

Knowledge and information about living a healthy lifestyle is all around us, yet achieving overall wellness is much easier said than done. A Wellness Coach can work with you to set goals, prioritize what matters most and help you to follow through. A good coach will help you build confidence in your ability to make changes. They will help you create new, healthy habits on your own, so eventually, the coach is no longer needed.

Are you committed to making some major lifestyle changes to feel better, but need help figuring out what steps you need to take?

In Wellness Coaching, a close relationship and partnership with a coach provides structure, accountability, expertise, and inspiration. A Wellness Coach won’t tell you what to do, but will rather ask you where you want to go with your wellness, why it matters to you and how you want to get there. This enables you to learn, grow, and develop beyond what you can do on your own. The main focus of Wellness Coaching is to concentrate on your existing strengths and build on them to help you realize your goals.

If you want to seriously commit to achieving a sense of belonging with others, creating a more balanced and fulfilling life, don’t waste any more time. Or if you want to learn how to assert yourself, identify and communicate your relationship needs, and find peace and balance in your work, school, and romantic relationships, call us today. You deserve to face each day feeling supported, loved, and understood. Call today to make an appointment.

Reasons why people may benefit from Wellness Counseling

  • You just arrived at College. For the first time, you are on your own trying to balance school, social life, and extracurriculars.
  • You notice that stress has taken over your life due to your difficulty setting boundaries.
  • Fun? What’s that? If you ask yourself this you may be feeling out of balance.
  • You find yourself feeling lost in your life and relationships. Your people-pleasing has left you feeling depleted.

